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Welcome to Naga City,
your Business Expansion Hub

Metro Naga

Fast Facts

Naga is easily accessible by air and land transport. Air access is through an 80-minute trip from Manila.

By land, the city is a 7- to 8-hour ride from Manila and 2.5 hour-ride from the Bicol International Airport.

  • 84.48 kmLand Area
  • 6,332,982 Potential Market (2024)
  • 377 km south of Manila
  • Tropical Climate
  • Philippine Peso Currency
  • GMT+8 Time Zone
  • The core of the fast-growing Metro Naga comprised of 16 neighboring towns

Why Naga?

There are so many reasons that make Naga truly the “maogmang lugar,’ a Bikolano term for a happy place. 
Strong devotion, resilient community, and good governance are just a few reasons we radiate joy.

We strive to stay true to being a reliable, dependable, and caring partner so you can make our city your investment destination of choice.

Contact us

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