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Category News Stories

Stories that involve the community and Naga City in general.

Naga tops 2020 competitiveness ranking

The City of Naga bagged the top post for component cities category nationwide in the Cities and Municipalities Competitive Index (CMCI) for year 2020. The news was released by the central office of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021 via virtual conference with different local government units (LGUs) in the country.

Bishop Gainza Trade Fair, 12 anyos na

Liwat na mabibisita na naman kan publiko an mga tyendahan o stalls kan Bishop Francisco Gainza Trade Fair (BFGTF) pagkatapos na ipagmarhay kan Archdiocese of Caceres na ibwelta an operasyon kan trade fair na nakatalaan gibohon sa Setyembre 8-18, ngonian na taon sa Robinsons Place Naga.

Emergency preparedness sa mga empleyado kan gobyerno

Tanganing mailikay an mga empleyados kan lokal na gobyerno kan Naga, asin kan national government agencies sa malalang health situations mantang yaon sa paggibo kan saindang trabaho, pigmarhay na ipasairarom sinda sa training na may titulong “training on workplace emergency and preparedness” sa Hulyo 27 sagkod 28 sa PSO training hall.

Anti-rabies campaign kan CVO

Pagkatapos na temporaryong saraduhan an kampanya sa house-to-house anti-rabies vaccination, liwat na pigbobosol ngonian kan City Veterinary Office (CVO) an mahiwas na stray dog asin cat catching o an pagdakop sa mga layas na ayam asin ikos.