Check out our Featured Hotels and Accommodations

There is always a comfortable place to stay for everyone in Naga City no matter the purpose of visit or budget. Naga offers a variety of accommodations such as hotels, hostels, inns, and apartelles that showcase the Nagueños warmth and hospitality.
You may use the Google map below to find a suitable location for your accommodations.
For booking assistance, group travel and reservations, and other inquiries, please feel free to email . Tour packages to tourism destinations in Camarines Sur and Bicol can also be arranged.

You can find some of the best hotels in the Bicol Region in Naga City. These hotels offer modern and comfortable facilities and services and convention centers at affordable prices. For reservations and information, just refer to our listing below.

Budget Accommodations
There are many establishments offering budget accommodations in Naga City. These provide convenient and affordable services for the tourist on a budget. Despite being inexpensive, these accommodations offer high levels of service as well as clean facilities.

Lodges or more popularly known as motor lodges offer respite for tired motorists who need an affordable place to rest in between travels.

Naga also boasts of several resorts that serve as getaway destinations for both locals and guests.