The City Government of Naga intends to apply the sum of Five Million Two Hundred Seventy-Three Thousand Three Hundred (P 5,273,300.00) Pesos being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) for the construction of the following infrastructure projects (CRN, Name of Project, Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC)):
008307-2023-05: Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavement, Sta. Cruz Elementary School, Bgy. Sta Cruz. P 333,500.00
008533-2022-09: Canteen, Maramba Elementary School, Bgy. San Felipe, P 1,676,800.00
009157-2023-04: Repair of Drainage, Beside Palm Village (CLUPA Outfall Storm Drainage), Bgy. San Felipe, P 1,129,200.00
009183-2023-05: Rehabilitation of Drainage, Waling-Waling St., Bgy. Triangulo, P 507,300.00
008505-2023-05: Drainage, P Diaz St. beside Nagaland, Bgy. Sta. Cruz, P 1,448,500.00
009227-2023-05: Waiting Shed, Corner Maharlika Highway and Jardin Real Road, Bgy. Concepcion Grande, P 178,000.00
Prebid Conference: Thursday, January 18, 2024, 3:00 PM
Bid Opening: Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 10:00 AM
Click here for the compressed file of the above infra six (6) projects: 6P_B3_Infra
Award Notice:
009227-2023-05 009183-2023-05 009157-2023-04 008533-2022-09 008505-2023-05 008307-2023-05