The City Government of Naga intends to apply the sum of Seven Million Five Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Six Hundred (P 7,534,600.00) Pesos being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) for the construction of the following infrastructure projects:
- Drainage and Cross Drainage, Along 6th St. to Soriano Avenue, Concepcion Grande, Naga City
- RC Pipe Drainage, Gen. Santos St., Gimenez Park Subd., Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City
- RC Pipe Drainage, San Leandro St., Gimenez Park Subd., Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City
- Drainage and Concrete Topping at F. Belmonte cor. 3rd Street, Doña Clara, Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City