On November 30, 2024, the Animation Council of the Philippines, Inc. (ACPI), during the Animahenasyon 2024 (The 18th Philippine Animation Festival) presented Fr. Danilo Isidro, SJ with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his services to ACPI and for his contribution to the local animation industry through animation training. The award also recognizes Ateneo de Naga University’s pioneering effort in offering a baccalaureate degree in computer arts and animation, not just in the Philippines but also Southeast Asia.

Fr. Dan played an important role in the city’s early efforts to build a strong local animation/creative sector. With his insights and inputs, the city spearheaded crafting a curriculum for training traditional (2D) and digital animators and other multimedia artists. (He also was a workshop mentor for scriptwriting for animation.)

The city’s thrust, implemented through the Naga City Investment Board (NCIB), led to the establishment of the Naga City Creative Media Center (NCCMC), which hosted startups in the creative industry. This initiative was a precursor of the more recent Digital Innovation Hub (DIH).

Read Mark V. Montealegre’s article on Fr. Dan on Dateline Ibalon