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Emergency and Preparedness

Naga to have new fire HQ, more modern life-saving equipment

BETTER FACILITIES FOR FIRE RESPONSE – Mayor Legacion together with officials from the Bureau of Fire Protection Region 5, notably its Regional Director, FSUPT Ricardo C. Perdigon, DSC, during the Groundbreaking Ceremony held last Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Ramil Herrera…

Emergency preparedness sa mga empleyado kan gobyerno

Tanganing mailikay an mga empleyados kan lokal na gobyerno kan Naga, asin kan national government agencies sa malalang health situations mantang yaon sa paggibo kan saindang trabaho, pigmarhay na ipasairarom sinda sa training na may titulong “training on workplace emergency and preparedness” sa Hulyo 27 sagkod 28 sa PSO training hall.