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Infrastructure Project, LDRRM: Cluster 5 (1 Lot)

The City Government of Naga intends to apply the sum of Seven Million Five Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Six Hundred (P 7,534,600.00) Pesos being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) for the construction of the following infrastructure projects:

  1. Drainage and Cross Drainage, Along 6th St. to Soriano Avenue, Concepcion Grande, Naga City
  2. RC Pipe Drainage, Gen. Santos St., Gimenez Park Subd., Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City
  3. RC Pipe Drainage, San Leandro St., Gimenez Park Subd., Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City
  4. Drainage and Concrete Topping at F. Belmonte cor. 3rd Street, Doña Clara, Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City
B2_Cluster 5_PBD

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