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Naga City District Abattoir

Mr. Ansel Maño
Department Head
Naga City Abattoir Maharlika Highway, Del Rosario, Naga City
Email: abattoir@naga.gov.ph
Featured Services

Mandate: See to it that all animals and the meat thereof, for sale at public markets and meat shops, were slaughtered at the Naga City Abattoir and properly examined by the city veterinarian or meat inspectors before and after slaughtering of such animals.
Vision: An office with mechanical equipment and service oriented employees, effectively and efficiently delivering good and quality service.
Mission: To promote hygienic, wholesome meat for public health consciousness and safeness. To render capable, competent, satisfactory services to the public consumers. To provide active, understandable interrelationship with out clientele.
Budget: 2021 Program Appropriation and Obligation by Object



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