LEGEND CITY DEPARTMENTS CAcO – City Accountant Office CAgO – City Agriculturist’s Office CAsO – City Accessor’s Office CBO – City Budget Office CCRO – City Civil Registrar’s Office CENRO – City Environmental and Natural Resources Office CEO – City…
What a highly urbanized city like Naga should do to reduce its garbage of more or less 93 tons (average of 42 to 60 dump trucks) every day? The LGU Naga’s Solid Waste Management Office (SWMO) has been adopting a…
A Psychiatric, Psychosocial, and Neurological Services Unit was established at the Naga City Hospital which was designated by Ordinance 2021-028 as community-based mental health care facility of the city government. Based on the same ordinance, the unit shall operate to…
Pigpatanidan kan LGU Naga asin kan Department of Trade and Industry an mga mall owners asin managers na magin estriktong marhay sa pag-ako nin mga negosyanteng boot mag-arkila nin pwesto sa laog kan saindang mga malls.An warning piggibo pagkatapos na…